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Synchronicity. When energy brings us into closer alignment

Writer's picture: Caroline Reiki Caroline Reiki

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Energy healing such as reiki helps to increase the flow of energy (REI, universal life force) KI, energy) through the energy centers of the body. This enhanced flow of energy through our bodies mirrors back the flow of energy all around us, in the environment

Greater positive flow leads to greater harmony, more synchronicity

What is synchronicity?

Synchronicity is finding connection between events or circumstances that ordinarily may not seem to be connected.

An example may be to think about calling someone, and then within 5 minutes of thinking about this person, have them call us instead. Or bump into them by chance on a very busy street shortly after thinking about them.

We did not anticipate this event. Rather, it seemed even improbable, as perhaps they rarely call us, or the street was crowded and the chances of running into them unlikely.

caroline mcelwee reiki practitioner dublin showing a peaceful picture ofa camper van with a background of blue sky and palm trees

Therefore events with synchronicity seem improbable, and yet they happen.

We in turn attach an element of magic & mystery to these encounters that seemed to "happen for a reason".

Another example might be to hope for a job with a particular company, and think we are one of many candidates applying for the job. We worry, understandably, that we might not stand out enough. And then we go to a party with friends and yet start chatting with a complete stranger. In fact, they were the first person we spoke to at the party and we felt drawn to them immediately. Mid way through the conversation we find out that they are very good friends with a headhunter for this dream company we had pinned all our hopes on.

Or, perhaps, stranger still, they are the headhunter!

Who would have guessed it?

From this seemingly chance encounter, we have a foot in the door to an interview. We later learn this stranger hadn't planned on going out at all and was dragged along. The chances of this serendipitous event happening now seem even slimmer.

Synchronicity is also described as being a force that can bring people together romantically.

Synchronicity might be missing a flight, only to find we are delayed at the airport lounge with another person whom we end up chatting to for hours, & who we might not have ended up conversing with had the flight not been delayed on the runway.

We are drawn to this person romantically, instantly, and they become our husband or wife.

Similarly, I have heard of people who said their husband to be simply passed them in a room, or they saw them only from the back, and they knew this was the person they could marry.

Love is a very powerful force in the world and so it is very likely that romantic experiences are tied up with synchronicity.

“A synchronicity is a collision of events where something other than the probability of chance is involved, and this confluence feels meaningful,” says Monica Berg, author and co-host of the Spiritually Hungry podcast. “It is an event where needs are met, people are encountered, or things just come together perfectly when we need them.”

The psychiatrist Carl Jung in the early 20th century, said "synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see"

Sometimes synchronicity may have a spiritual component straight away that seems inexplicable.

For example, we dream about a house with pink walls and climbing roses. A few weeks later, we move into this exact house. The house came up on the market. We instantly know this house is familiar as we saw it first in a dream.

Synchronicity can happen between the physical world and the world of spirit, as an exchange of energy.

In reality, there is no separation, but we experience a separation between physical & energy often in our day to day. Or between the visible and the invisible world.

Sometimes the veil between the two is thinner and we are allowed to see the physical and energetic as one whole experience without boundaries.

A loved one may pass away and a robin may come to visit us and stay for a while. Robin visitations are universally experienced as messengers who tell us our loved ones who have passed are saying "hello" from the other side.

Synchronicity with animals and objects such as feathers or unexplained coins or money (just when we needed the money the most) happens frequently.

Also, synchronicity very often is experienced through numbers. For example, many people report seeing the same sets of numbers, particularly repeating number sequences such as 11:11. 22:22 and 33:33. This can be the universe letting us know that we are connecting with more than the physical.

This suggests that underpinning the material world we live in, there is a world of energy which when accessed, can bring us closer into alignment.

A synchronicity can be seen as an act that bring us closer to alignment with important events or experiences that can help us grow on a soul level.

For example, in the world of spirit, a thought is not invisible. A thought may be as real or concrete as a chair and table. When we put a thought out into the world - "I would like to see this person again", the thought creates an energetic thread that can attach itself to that person. It creates a tangible intention that can travel spiritually and affect the other person energetically. Hence the person we are thinking about comes into alignment. This happens if it is for out highest good.

Reiki and other forms of energy healing can help raise our vibration and awareness. Energetic "vibration" simply means that our energy is flowing and therefore we are lighter energetically. The lighter we are energetically, the more we can connect to the spiritual realms. Awareness then brings about increased energetic synchronicity. This is also known as a state of flow.

two people meeting on a beach, a sun burst between their bodies

For Usui reiki sessions & reiki classes please contact me. I am intuitive reiki practitioner based in Blackrock, Dublin. Have a lovely week,

Caroline x

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