What is reiki? The reiki Level 1 Class Dublin with me covers the main principals of Usui Reiki & how to give self reiki healing as well as to others. It is the foundation of all the reiki stages. REI (Universal Life Force) KI (energy) is an energy healing modality developed by Master Usui in Japan in circa 1910. All modern forms of reiki across the world come from this original Usui lineage.
The most important thing about any reiki level, though, is to experience the reiki energy for yourself. To notice the positive shifts in your life as a consequence of learning traditional Usui reiki.
First of all, for the level 1 Usui reiki class, we cover the history of reiki. How Master Usui discovered it when he was doing his mountain top vigil in Japan, when the Usui reiki symbols were revealed to him through his third-eye.
We also cover the 5 principals of Usui reiki which I've covered in another blog post. We look at "what is reiki energy?" Reiki has its own wisdom and intelligence, and can make its way to areas of the body that need it most. Opening & expanding the chakra system. This will help bring harmony & balance to the upper chakras - crown, third-eye, throat and heart - as well as the lower chakras including the solar-plexus, sacral & roots. We learn about the chakra system HERE

We learn how to cleanse a space with reiki healing energy. A space such as your home, or place of work, even your car!
We learn about the law of attraction, and how to protect ourselves and spaces such as our home & workplace energetically.
We learn how thoughts & intentions affect our emotions & energy. How positive intentions can create shifts emotionally, inviting greater flow & ease into our lives. HERE
With the level 1 reiki class Dublin with me, we learn two level 1 symbols that help us to access and experience reiki energy so that we can practice self healing straight away. We will practice during the course as well. Some reiki lineages do not cover the symbols in level 1, however in my lineage they are covered as part of the level 1 reiki course so students could finish the level 1 with self healing knowledge to bring forth into their lives.
We learn about "attunements". How reiki attunements allow the body to "hold" reiki energy via the symbols so that we can do a self healing, as well as do a healing for others.
Although we receive reiki in an attunement, the attunements usually feel different to a regular reiki session. This is because the intention here is to create long lasting shifts in the luminous field (aura), creating permanent shifts in the energy signature. How we interact with ourselves and the world.
Often the best way to make positive changes is by experiencing greater self-love. Self love can manifest when we come into connection with aspects of who we are - aspects that we haven't seen as clearly before. Including aspects of our shadow that we haven't wanted to see. By embracing all of who we are, we access more of our potential to shine. Therefore grow in ways we hadn't thought possible. To live a more creative, purposeful life.
As the attunement process can sometimes feel intense, there can be a few days between each session of the level 1
If you would like to find out more about learning reiki please go HERE, and to find out what to expect from a Reiki session Dublin with me, please go HERE.
I am an experienced, traditional Usui reiki master teacher based in Blackrock, south Dublin.
Reiki Dublin classes for level 1, 2 & 3, the master teacher level, are taught during the week or at the weekend. Days & times are flexible. I have over 10 years experience teaching reiki in Abu Dhabi, UAE & Dublin, Ireland!
Contact me HERE for more information
