People experience a reiki treatment in many different ways.
I am experienced, intuitive reiki master teacher giving sessions & classes in Blackrock, south Dublin
I have been an Usui reiki practitioner for over 10 years now, both in the UAE & Dublin, Ireland
Reiki energy can make the body feel hot or cool, heavy or light, peaceful & sleepy or full of energy. Many people report sensations of energy flowing through the body in a reiki session. They may be aware of energy entering a part of the body, and being distributed to another part of the body. Many people report a feeling of floating, or drifting to sleep. Yet others feel energy very vibrantly - they may report seeing colored lights or other "visions". They may feel really energized after a treatment, and the feeling may last several hours.
But how is the reiki energy perceived by the reiki practitioner during a session? Again, the sensation of giving reiki we well as receiving can vary greatly from person to person
Often there may be an over arching sense of peace when experiencing a reiki treatment.
Energy is perceived by the practitioner in all the same ways it is experienced by the person receiving.
A reiki practitioner will perceive energy often through the third-eye, as we all do, all the time! The third-eye chakra is responsible for how we experience the world of energy. It controls our intuition. As well as clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognaizance, the specific ways reiki energy can be perceived
The "clares" relate to feeling, hearing, seeing & knowing.
Clairsentience (feeling) is a fairly common clare that is developed & enhanced through reiki. It is the practitioner's ability to feel energy - shape & form, texture, temperature, and so on. Through touch, the practitioner can also open to seeing energy (clairvoyance). Energy seen either physically meaning with the physical eyes, or seeing energy via pictures in the mind's eye. For example, experiencing energy as cool may also come with a picture of a Snow Drop flower in the mind's eye, telling us something about the type of the energy. Clairaudience is the ability to hear energy surrounding a person or place. Finally, knowing or intuition (claircognaizance) also enhances all the other clares.
All are related & connected in the language of energy!
further reading: pine cone, pineal gland & third eye)
Everyone, not only reiki masters, can tap into the clares & intuition. In fact, we all read energy all the time.
Being able to "read" energy is a gift we all have and can expand on.
We all have one or more senses that are also best at picking up on energy.
What is your most heightened sense or clare, do you think?
For reiki treatments Dublin & reiki courses, I am based in Blackrock, Dublin. I love teaching beautiful & powerful Usui reiki & giving reiki sessions. For more information, please contact me for your reiki Dublin. Days & times for a session are flexible. You just need to wear loose & comfy clothes!
Have a good week!